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My Favourite Rock Art Sites in Kakadu & Arnhem Land

My Favourite Rock Art Sites in Kakadu & Arnhem Land

Posted on 02 October, 2020 in Arnhem Land, Culture, Kakadu, Rock Art

Having been a tour guide for many years across the top end, including ​Kakadu and ​Arnhem Land I have been lucky to explore many art sites accessible to ‘Balanda’ (local language for white person). The most notable rock art galleries in Kakadu National Park are undoubtedly ​Ubirr and ​Nourlangie. Both are exceptional and provide good interpretational signage and occasional are host to ranger talks and sessions in the dry season months. Ubirr is situated on a high rocky outcrop overlooking the floodplains, and as you follow the trail encountering many different art styles whilst gaining height, everyone is rewarded by vast distant panoramic views across to Arnhem Land...

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Arnhem Land Family Adventures

Arnhem Land Family Adventures

Posted on 22 August, 2020 in Arnhem Land, family, kids

It can take time to adjust to day to day life on the Cobourg Peninsula, and the challenges associated with remote living. Yet once you’ve got it organised and a routine in place, it becomes an amazing experience, not only from an individual’s aspect but we as a family have gained so much valuable time, learning and growing together. The boys imaginations have flourished as they soak up what nature has to offer, their observations of the environment and attentiveness is second to none...

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Family life living on the coast of Arnhem Land

Family life living on the coast of Arnhem Land

Posted on 10 August, 2020 in Arnhem Land, kids, family, Cobourg

Every dry season for the past three years, we do the annual pack up of our family home. It feels like moving house twice every six months, some say this is one of the most stressful things you do in your life, to us it’s the routine of seasonal work and being the lucky ones to experience living in the remote Arnhem Land bush for half the year with our kids, two young boys (Jack & Finn)....

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Spear fishing in Arnhem Land – how to make an Aboriginal fishing spear

Spear fishing in Arnhem Land – how to make an Aboriginal fishing spear

Posted on 22 April, 2020 in Arnhem Land, Culture, Fishing

Aboriginal people have been making fishing spears for millennia. Today, throughout Arnhem Land they are still a very important hunting tool and are commonly used, especially along the coastal regions. The technology hasn’t changed a lot, they are still basically a long straightened stick with a pointed end. These days iron spear tips are used instead of sharpened stone, bone or wood. Although a relatively simple design, making a spear and using one effectively takes a lot of skill and perfection...

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