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Small mammals of the Cobourg Peninsula

Small mammals of the Cobourg Peninsula

Posted on 15 January, 2017 in Wildlife, Cobourg

'There are few places left on this continent with close to pre-settlement mammal populations and I'm lucky enough to work in one of them.' - David McMahon, Venture North head tour guide.

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Green Turtle Hatchlings on the Cobourg Peninsula

Green Turtle Hatchlings on the Cobourg Peninsula

Posted on 18 August, 2016 in Cobourg, Wildlife

Recently at Cobourg we stumbled across a very welcome surprise... It was day 4 of the tour and Luke was guiding a group around the 'Coast Road' on the northern beaches of the Cobourg Peninsula. It was here they bumped into the head ranger’s wife Emma who had just rescued 34 (very cute) Green Turtle hatchlings!

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Kakadu National Park and Arnhem Land Wildlife Tours

Kakadu National Park and Arnhem Land Wildlife Tours

Posted on 12 February, 2016 in Arnhem Land, Birdwatching, Cobourg, Kakadu, Wildlife, Wet Season

Kakadu National Park and Arnhem Land are home to some of the most bio-diverse landscapes in the world. These two regions combined take up approximately 120,000 square kilometres. With so much country to cover and so many places to visit, where to begin? From access to wildlife hot spots, here's some local knowledge to get you started.

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Barking owl feasts on sugar gliders - Cobourg Peninsula

Barking owl feasts on sugar gliders - Cobourg Peninsula

Posted on 19 November, 2015 in Wildlife, Cobourg

On a recent tour I led through north-west Arnhem Land one of my guests stumbled upon five small fluffy tales scattered beneath a tall Darwin woolybutt tree... After inspecting the site, sharing ideas and putting two and two together the pieces of the puzzle all started to align...

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